Official Site of the Genesee Valley Trappers Association
Official Site of the Genesee Valley Trappers Association
Official Site of the Genesee Valley Trappers Association
Official Site of the Genesee Valley Trappers Association
The purpose of this nonprofit educational and conservation organization shall be to promote landowners' rights; promote sound conservation legislation and administrative procedures; to save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of New York State; to promote sound environmental education programs; to promote a continued annual fur harvest using the best tools available for that purpose; and to promote freedom of choice for all Sportsmen. To develop and maintain the public image of trapping as a legitimate, desirable and compatible enterprise, of modern man. To stimulate an increased understanding and awareness of the impact of modern society and man on his environment and to encourage citizens, legislative, and administrative action toward the protection and restoration of our natural and historical heritage. The creation of trapper attitudes which reflect these values, through creative planning and education.
Copyright © 2025 Genesee Valley Trappers Association
Honeoye Lake